Mark's Blog of the Here and Now

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

I retired in 1997 after 20 yrs. in the Fire Service! In 1992 I was diagnosed with M.S.; but remained working until my retirement in April,1997. I currently reside in Portland, OR. I am blessed with 3 sons, 2 daughters & 5 wonderful grandsons!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Preparation Time For My Surgery Begins Today!

Today, I started taking a 3 day regiment of antibiotics; ramping-up in preparation of my urinary laser lithotripsy surgery; scheduled for Wed. 7/20/05 at 7:30 a.m., at O.H.S.U. Medical Center. My trip begins at 5:00 a.m.; when an BLS ambulance arrives, to transport me to the place, where I'll undergo my surgery. The trip there will take; about 1 hr. I'll be prep'd; by them starting an I.V. of more antibotics; until my surgery time of 7:30 a.m. The surgery should take; about 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. If everthing goes well I'll be in recoverery; about 1 hr. & back home by early afternoon.

These procedures are not much fun & are extremely rough on my MS riddled body; but are necessary for my survival.

I can always use your thoughts & prayers!.....Mark

Thursday, July 07, 2005

"Slow Progress On My Book"

My health has slowed the progress on my book, to a snails pace; but I'm determined to finish writing it!.....That's all for now, Mark

Saturday, July 02, 2005

4th of July hazards & fire prevention safety tips!

Every year thousand's of children & adults; are injured, by misusing; what are termed, "Safe & Sane Fireworks"; which in acuality, is a misnormer. The majority of the general public; will be surprised to know that the number one cause of burn injuries to young children; are sparklers. They'd also be surprised to learn; that sparklers burn at a temperature, between 1000-2000 degrees farenheit. You wouldn't give a 5 yr. old a book of matches or a Bic lighter; but some don't think anything, of giving that same 5 yr. old child a sparkler. My personal, worst & most dangerous & my biggest pet peve; that are listed amongst the safe & sane fireworks; are "Ground Blooming Flowers". You'll find a lot of other firefighters that will agree with me. When tested & approved; they're tested on a perfectly flat & smooth, nonporous surface. The standard threshold is the pyro-tectic, must not fly or dart on the ground, more than 5'. These are amonst kids & adults alike's favorite firework. The problem & danger comes; ignighted on a gravel or asphalt surface; such as a street or a parking lot. If the pyro-tectic comes in contact, just right; I've seen them ricochet in excess of 30'. The largest cause of fires during the 4th of July weekend; were attributred to Ground Blooming Flowers.

The Fire Service & the Fireworks Industry, have for ions, gone toe to toe; arugueing the safety of these retail sales, of fireworks. It's been an uphill battle for the Fire Service; because of 2 basic reasons. 1. The Fireworks Industry is a multi-million dollar a year industry, that has a large contingency, of lobbiest; that lobby, all levels of Goverment Legislators & 2. American's Centuries old, of deep immbeded tradition of Celebrating Independence Day; by setting off these so-called "Safe & Sane Firworks".

It's highly unlikely that the Fire Service, will change the mind-set of the majority of Americans; in the foreseen future. But us Fire Chief types will remain dealing with the politic's encompassing this issue; while the Fire Marshals continue preaching their fire prevention & public safety message. Unfortunately, in the meantime thousands of children & adults; will incur serious personal injury & mllions of dollar's in property loss. And people wonder why old fire horses; like myself, go nuts out of complete & total frustration. Oh well, some things keep on, keeping on!.........a worn-out, old fire horse, Mark